Chiropractic in Ottawa

Comprehensive and evidence-based. Chiropractic care that works.

Ottawa’s Chiropractic experts, our team specializes in neuromusculoskeletal conditions, with a deep understanding of anatomy and biomechanics. Our evidence-based approach to pain management focuses on identifying and correcting faulty mechanics that often lead to discomfort, inflammation, and pain. 

Our Three-Pronged Strategy for Effective Pain Relief

Education and Empowerment

Our skilled chiropractors in Ottawa prioritize education. We unravel the root causes of your pain and provide clear, simplified explanations. By understanding the underlying issues, you are empowered to avoid factors that could hinder your recovery, fostering long-term wellness.

Manual Therapy

Our Chiropractors utilize advanced techniques to help manipulate tissues in a manner that is conducive to optimal function. We take great pride in being trained in a variety of techniques that go beyond joint adjustments. Our Chiropractors are trained in a variety of soft tissue and fascial release techniques, acupuncture, spinal and joint manipulation, and much more. 

Exercise and rehabilitation

The final stage of our approach focuses on exercise and rehabilitation. This crucial phase consolidates the improvements obtained through manual therapy and play a privotal role in ensuring long-term benefits. Our tailored rehab programs help prevent recurrence of pain, promoting sustained health and success!

Why Choose Ottawa Health Chiropractors?

Evidence-Based Care: Our chiropractic care is grounded in the latest scientific research, ensuring effective and reliable treatment.

Modernized Chiropractic Approach: We address pain from multiple angles, combining education, manual therapy, and rehabilitation for optimal results. 

Customized Care: We do not offer a cookie cutter approach. Rather, we take the time to understand your situation and develop a care plan specific to your needs.

Our Techniques: At Ottawa Health: Performance and Rehabilitation, our chiropractors offer a variety of adjusting techniques that are tailored to help each patient achieve their unique goals. Our techniques include:

Our Techniques

At Ottawa Health: Performance and Rehabilitation, our chiropractors offer a variety of adjusting techniques that are tailored to help each patient achieve their unique goals. Our techniques include:

  • Fascial Manipulation
  • Diversified
  • Thompson Drop
  • Webster Technique

We also offer a number of adjunctive services to ensure you get the results you are looking for. These services include:

  • Deep Tissue Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Athletic movement assessment
  • Fascial manipulation
  • Functional range release
  • McKenzie Method
  • Mulligan Mobilization with Movement
  • Rock tape/K-tape

Experience the difference of evidence-based chiropractic care in Ottawa. Contact Ottawa Health today to schedule your consultation and start your journey towards a pain-free life.

Meet The Team at Ottawa Health: Performance and Rehabilitation | (613) 728 9414

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