Weight Loss Boot Camp in Ottawa

Lose the Weight, With Science!

Our physiology-based weight loss program is one-of-a-kind in Ottawa. Our protocols are based on your body’s response to our assessments and provide you with true physiological data to help develop a unique program that is intended to maximize your weight loss by improving metabolic function. 

Metabolic dysfunction is the root cause of many chronic illnesses. By improving metabolic function, your body will become more efficient in energy utilization which in turn, improves weight loss without severely restricting diets.

When developing this program, we began by researching the physiology of using energy. At Ottawa Health: Performance and Rehabilitation, we realized that offering a nutrition or exercise program without testing the body’s capabilities was not the best way to do it.

Our intent is to create attainable goals by working smarter, not harder! There are two components to our weight loss BootCamp: The Assessment & The Boot Camp.

This is the key to an effective weight loss program. Our assessment measures the most important aspects of your body’s ability to store and utilize energy, aka fat. With these results, our team will understand how many calories you need per day, your cardiovascular fitness, and your body’s response to exercise. We measure using:

  • VO2 Testing
  • Resting Metabolic Test
  • Body Composition Analysis

Once the assessment is done, we use your unique results to create a custom metabolic improvement program. You will be given all of the tools to perform the recommended exercises at the convience of your home or local gym. 


Don’t worry, you are not left alone after the assessment. As part of our commitment to your success, we follow you along for six months!

Included in the Program:

  • 2 VO2 tests: at baseline and 6 months
  • 1 Resting metabolic test
  • 3 Body composition analysis: baseline, 3-months, 6-months
  • Personalized 6-month cardiovascular exercise protocol
  • 30-minute consultation with our nutritionist
  •  15-minute follow ups

Our Goals with You

  • Consistent and Healthy Weight Loss: Because our exercise protocol is based on the results from your personalized assessment, the difficulty level is relative to your physiological performance. In combination with the metabolic test, we can identify exactly how many calories you should be eating in order to maintain or lose additional weight. This is the safest and most effective method because it minimizes the amount of side-effects from poor diets, prevents burn-out or injuries, and avoids harsh dietary changes that often result in low compliance.
  • Reduced Medication Needs: There is an abundance of research demonstrating that a well-designed exercise program based on physiological data improves metabolism and decreases the need for certain medications such as pain killers, anti-inflammatories, opioids, insulin (in type-2 diabetics), and more. Please speak with your doctor prior to making any changes to your medications.
  • Longevity: Longevity is defined as the ability to live a long life. Poor VO2 scores have been associated with a significantly higher risk of death. Our protocol focuses on improving your VO2 scores, which will change as you improve your cardiovascular fitness through our exercise program
  • Attainable Lifestyle Changes: One of the biggest obstacles that participants encountered in previous weight loss attempts, was that they burned out from working too hard. We understand that exercise may be new to you, which is why we design our program based on your body’s response to exercise. This allows for the creation of a program that is unique to your capabilities, making the efforts far more attainable with a higher level of success.

Learn More Today

The cost for our weight loss program is $599.00 + HST for the entire 6-month program. Contact us today to learn more or to sign up.

Weight Loss Boot Camp in Alta Vista, Ottawa ON | (613) 728 9414

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